Friday, December 12, 2008

Ode To False Love

What did I see in you
when I felt my heart slow down
those few years ago?
You were plain and simple when
things were different and rough.
The slightest gestures were
warm and comforting.
I lived in silence
until your voice sang
to a man dormant.
There was no returning.

We were so young.
We had to grow.
We grew together
in innocence, carefree and spirited.
I awaited the drawn out nights
after tedious days.
I waited impatiently
when you were far from me.
I wept as you did
during our last farewell.

I did not want to leave
when you took your own path.
I could not keep you
from your own life.
I spoke with fear of
pushing you away. You left
without remorse.

I have since found the one
and I have learned
the meaning of pure love.
I was given breath
I once thought lost.
Why did I give
my air to you?
Did you ask for it?
Did you want it?
Why were you ever worthy
of love so deep?
Was it love at all?
I grow with disbelief.

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This work by Ryan Hanley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.